Monday, November 24, 2008

Literary Analysis Booker T. Washington

Booker T Washington is one of the greatest male African Americans that made us what we are today. He speeches were incredible, they were life touching, and they made changes in different populations. To analyze this passage, one can pick out a few things. booker T. Washington is an inspirational speaker, who uses pathos in most of his speeches. First he establishes pathos with his audience at his different apeeches, and anyone who reads his speeches. There are several examples of pathos which are in this passage. Also to summarize, this passage talks about how Negroes became just like the whites. They came up to their level, and they also came up to be even better that some of them. Also it talks about how a hard working young man named William changed the fate of his life and in the future a lot more lives.

One example of pathos is when Booker T. Washington starts talking abput william and his master. He establishes pathos by stating how he he had to walt to t he Tuskegee Institute with just twenty cents. Nowadays we spend at least ten dollars per day. Also Booker T. Washington also states and explained with sensible detail how William had blisterson his feet and other sores. Booker T Washington states " He frankly told everyone with whom he came in contact with, where he was going, and whathe was seeking, both colored and whites. He is trying to sympathize with the audience byt telling them how he had begged people both whites and black for money or anything that could make his journey easier for him. If somebody from this generation reads this, indeed they would feel sympathy toward this young ambitious boy.

Another thing you can analyze from t his passage is the characterization Booker T. tries to convey to his audience about this young boy. He states "His night-school teachers found that he ceased to sleep in school, and began asking questions about his lessons, and was soon able to calculate the number of square yards in an acre and to tell the number of peach-trees required to plant an acre of land. After he had been at Tuskegee two or three months the farm-manager came into my office on a cold, rainy day, and said that William was virtually barefooted, the soles of his shoes having separated from the uppers, though William had fastened them together as best he could with bits of wire. In this condition the farm-instructor found him plowing without a word of complaint. A pair of second- hand shoes was secured for him, and he was soon very happy". This statement basically meant that this young boy was ambitious he would do anything to get his education. For the fact that he was barfooted on a cold rainy day doing industrial work should make the audience know The young boy's ambitious character. Also, when the young boy needed money to enroll for the next year and buy thing, he asked his old master for money. Because of his ambitious character, he kept on sending the letter even though the master ignored it the first and second time.

To conclude, Booker T. Washington uses this young boy to give an example to his audience about African Americans. Back then, they did whatever they could to survive. That is why some of the best inventions were invented by a black person. Also that is why we now have a black president.

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